Sunday, August 30, 2009

Talan's Portapotty

So I just have to blog about his because I am in shock, not to mention discusted. Talan was outside playing and I brought him in to go down for some quiet time. I asked him if he needed to go to the bathroom before. He said "No, I went poo poo outside." I said "what"? Show me, cause I really didnt think he would go to the bathroom outside. We went out and he pointed to the spot where he dropped off the kids and there was nothing to be found. I asked him where it was and he said "the doggies ate it". SICK!!! My dogs which im assuming was Kona, ate my sons POO. That is terrible. I was discusted and now all I can do is laugh. I explained to him that we dont go potty outside unless its a must and no potties are around. I guess I taught him a bad lesson cause yesterday we were at a Family Reunion outside at a pond in Salem and Talan needed to go to the bathroom. I took him to these bathrooms but he was afraid to go into them so I thought to myself, no one is around I will cover him and let him pee on a tree. First time for everything right, the joys of being a boy. So maybe thats my fault, I taught him to go potty outside. My bad.

1 comment:

  1. This story just about makes me pee my pants every time I read it. Hilarious!
